We’re hosting Cuppa in-person and online. We start as a large group and do a quick centering reflection exercise. Then we break into groups of 3-4 to share memories and stories based on prompts from the reflection.
If this sounds a little scary and intimidating, we totally get it. But for many of us Cuppa has become a vital part of our routine. Listening to each others’ stories makes us feel less alone. It gives us tangible hope that sticks our ribs. It’s like warm donuts for your soul.
So be brave. Gather with us. Make a cuppa of your favorite coffee or tea or Mountain Dew Zero, and drop in and see what happens. Chances are you’ll find the belonging you’re craving right now.
Reach out if you’d like us to facilitate cuppa!
Cuppa Belief Statement
At Bespoken Live we believe in good stories.
The stories that…
punch us in the gut,
squeeze tears out of our eyes,
make us laugh like we’re free,
and make our hearts beat and brains wave.
We believe…
we discover who we are by knowing each others’ stories,
we move toward healing to tell our stories out loud,
and when we choose to listen with kindness and imagination something transcendent happens.
We come together to share stories because it’s the best way we know to spark contagious hope and belonging.